Is LinkedIn even worth it?

Welcome to another edition of PROse, the B2B marketer's no BS guide to growing an engaged audience.

And, Happy New Year!! 🎉

Hopefully you had a peaceful end-of-year break, and are getting back into the swing of things.

I'm super pumped for where this newsletter will go this and the opportunity to learn more from all of you!

Alright, let's jump into this week's email.

I won't bury the lede:

YES, LinkedIn is worth it—and if you're not already if taking it seriously, you should be thinking about it now.

But let me tell you why.

If you've been reading PROse for a while, you know that I'm a Twitter guy.

For better or for worse, most of my workday and freetime is spent on Twitter.

But sometime in 2021, I started playing around with LinkedIn as part of my then-employer's social strategy.

What I noticed was incredible.

LinkedIn was regularly outperforming Twitter when it came to nearly every business and performance metric.

Honestly, I was bummed at first. I wanted LinkedIn to be this horrible place like everyone on Twitter had mentioned.

But that wasn't the case.

It ended up actually turning into that company's most valuable social platform.

Fast-forwarded to December 2022, I made a post on LinkedIn with some pressure & help from my friend, Tommy (if you don't know Tommy, click that link—you'll love him).

The post took off.

Funny thing, it wasn't even an original post. It was a repackaged tweet made to fit the context of LinkedIn.

Within a few days, I'd reached 20k impressions and added a few hundred followers.

For an account with less than 2k followers, that's pretty good.

And certainly not something I was pulling on Twitter (you can expect maybe a dozen followers, give or take, if you got 20k impressions on Twitter).

So the evidence is pretty clear to me, LinkedIn is a real player for personal accounts & business accounts.

There are still haters skeptics on Twitter... but hey, that just leaves more for us.

The takeaways for you?

Invest in growing your LinkedIn account. The tactics across company and personal pages are the same.

Here's how I plan to grow to my personal account to 10k followers by the end of Q1:

  • Post 1-2 per day

  • Post 1 carousel per week

  • Engage with 5 relevant large accounts per day

I like the posting cadence of once in the morning right after people start their day (9am) and once just after lunch (12pm).

💡 There is one thing to call out regarding company pages though. Commenting on other posts isn't as intuitive as you'd expect.

Here's how to do it:

Sign into your personal account (this happens by default)

    Click your profile picture in the comment box under any post. You should see a list of Company Pages you have access to.

    Choose the Company Page you want to comment from. And voilà, you're good to go.

    There's a lot of juice to squeeze out of LinkedIn. I think this'll be the year we see brands and creators flock to it, similarly to how we saw them move to TikTok (though not at the same scale).

    That's a wrap!

    Wait, Before You Go!

    Planning to spend more time on LinkedIn? Reply to this email.

    I want to put together a small community where we can all learn from each other.